Explore Caltech. Explore the World.
About Explore Caltech
Explore Caltech was launched in 2018 as Science for March, an event initiated by Caltech postdoctoral scholars seeking to share their passion for STEM with the local community. Scientists from all of Caltech's six academic divisions and JPL participated, bringing the joy of discovery to the more than 2,000 members of the local community in attendance.
Today, Explore Caltech is sponsored and organized by Caltech's Office of Strategic Communications, the Caltech Postdoc Association (CPA), Caltech's Graduate Student Council (GSC), Theater Arts at Caltech (TACIT), and Caltech's Center for Teaching, Learning, and Outreach (CTLO). The event is made possible with support from the greater Caltech community.
Have questions about this event? Email the Office of Strategic Communications.
About Caltech
Caltech is a world-renowned science and engineering institute that marshals some of the world's brightest minds and most innovative tools to address fundamental scientific questions and pressing societal challenges.
The Institute manages the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for NASA, sending probes to explore the planets of our solar system and quantify changes on our home planet; owns and operates large-scale research facilities such as the Seismological Laboratory and a global network of astronomical observatories, including the Palomar and W. M. Keck Observatories; and cofounded and comanages LIGO, which, in 2016, observed gravitational waves for the first time.
Caltech is an independent, privately supported institution located in Pasadena, California.